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nomination committee中文是什么意思

用"nomination committee"造句"nomination committee"怎么读"nomination committee" in a sentence


  • 提名委员会


  • The nomination committee was established in june 2005
  • Terms of reference for nomination committee
  • District officers nomination committee start to work , conducted by ipdg
  • The nomination committee is responsible for formulating policy and making recommendations to the board on nominations , appointment of directors and board succession
  • Board committees , including the audit , remuneration and nomination committees , all follow the applicable practices and procedures used in board meetings for committee meetings
  • The first group of directors , chair and vice chair shall be nominated by a nomination committee composed of several major founding members and nanjing forestry university and shall be voted by members during the founding meeting of the foundation
  • I ) the first group of directors , chair and vice chair shall be nominated by a nomination committee composed of several major founding members and nanjing forestry university and shall be voted by members during the founding meeting of the foundation
  • The nomination committee shall ensure the approval is correct , and shall put forward the names of such nominees as it is prepared to recommend to the board , bearing in mind such considerations as geographical districution , language problems and rotation
  • The magazine s editors had high praise for shkp s strict standards of governance , monitoring and accountability . shkp ensures the independence of its board of directors with measures including remuneration and nomination committees and more independent non - executive directors to safeguard the group s and shareholders interests
用"nomination committee"造句  


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